Wednesday, December 31, 2008

nursery updates

Brad and I both had Monday off so we took that time to clean up! The first thing we did was remove the queen size bed that took up most of the room. Then we had to figure out how we wanted to rearrange everything. It was nice to have that extra room, we needed it! After that we built the swing, it is so cute! We couldn't decide what to do with all of her bath supplies so while out in Wal-mart we found a shelving unit that Brad later bought and put together which works perfectly in her room. I had earlier finished washing all of her newborn up to 3 months clothes and put them away. (I had to put all the other clothes in plastic boxes because there was so much!)

Brad had Tuesday off so he took that time to put together the bouncer, which was too advanced for me! The only other things we would need to put together now are the pack n' play and the exosaucer. After I dusted and swept, the room is ready to go. That last picture is of my packed bags, I'm ready to go as well!!!

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