I am 36 weeks today! Wow. Time seems to be going faster now. I can't wait to meet her either. I haven't felt that lightening feeling yet so she hasn't dropped. They told us in class last week that when she drops you'll be able to breath easier and eat more, like I need the latter! Anyways the downfall to that is I will have to go to the bathroom 10 times more. Oh well, I'll take the good with the bad.
Last night's class was canceled because of the slick roads and Brad and I were pretty disappointed. We were looking forward to the hospital tour and seeing where we will be when we first meet Katelyn. I guess it'll be shoved into our last class next Tuesday as we will be going early 15 minutes and leaving later 15 minutes. At least we'll still get our tour!
Christmas with Grandpa & Grandma Fuge is this Saturday, I can't wait for that. We'll get to see the family, which hasn't seen me since I first told them. It'll be a fun day. Also, today is Grandma Fuge's birthday so, happy happy birthday!!!

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position. But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
Last minute notes, 8 days until Christmas and 28 days until Katelyn's EDD.
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