Saturday, July 2, 2011

Newport Aquarium

This morning we headed out to the Newport Aquarium and Katelyn was excited and ready to go. To tell you the truth, Brad and I were just as excited to take her! She had a blast and loved looking at all the 'fishies'! She tried to grab at each of them and wasn't afraid of getting up close to the glass. In most cases she had to be held in order to see the fish but in other areas she could walk and look for herself, which she loved. She did great in the shark area as well, I wasn't sure if she would be afraid but it didn't seem to phase her. She absolutely loved the penguins though! they put on a good show for everyone watching too! Here are (a lot of) pictures from our trip...

"Look at the fishies!"

She saw an octopuss for the first time.
And a giant 'alligator turtle'

Some more fishies, this time at her level.
Little alligators
With mommy in the shark area.

Seeing the sharks was fun!
Big fish!
The fun penguins.

A perfect picture opportunity! She had a blast, and we couldn't have been happier. We stopped by the gift shop and she picked out a 'nemo' stuffed animal fishie. She's been carrying it ever since.

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