Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let me tell you how lucky we are...

Since Katelyn's birth we've been been super lucky with her. She started sleeping through the night very early on which was great! She is a very happy little girl and has always had that happy temperment. She's really only shown teething pain once, which was with the first one, and hasn't shown any signs since. She has a mouthful now too!! She started walking like a pro around 11 months. We had a harder time with the sippy cup but she eventually gave in.

Currently the only problem I seem to be having is with her speech development. She only wants to say baba or uh-oh. She can say mama and knows what cat is but I wish she would say more. Oh and she now is getting a little attitude, and no, I don't know where she's getting it from!

On a side note Katelyn did thefunniest thing yesterday. I was sitting on the couch using my feet to play with Lacey, when this happens she will play bite my feet. Katelyn saw this an d every time it happened she would start crying! It was almost like she thought Lacey was hurting me! It was so cute and funny. I know she loves me!

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