Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy busy bee

So this year is already starting to be a busy one for us. We knew going into this year it would be. This year alone we have 5 weddings to attend. Four of them are my family members and the fifth is my best friend, which I will be the maid of honor. Katelyn is growing like a weed and starting to wear 18 months, which I am actually having to buy clothes now! We are trying to teach her as much as possible as well, she's a little sponge!!! Also in progress is our house. We just this week were approved for our loan and hope to start something next month. In the meantime Brad is either hauling, working on the farm or figuring out the next step with the house. I am keeping busy with work, Katelyn and doing some freelance. I'm trying to workout but that doesn't always happen!

We are looking forward to Easter as we will be spending it with Brad's family. This will be the first time in s long time that Brad's uncles will be in town. One family hasn't seen Katelyn since she was born and the other has yet to meet her! Not to mention all of his cousins are able to come as well. Kevin and Hillary will come also. So we can't wait!! It'll be a blast!

Mom and I, with Katelyn along for the ride, went to Babies r us recently and got a few things. She picked up a gift for Kristopher's newborn. I don't think I've mentioned before but congrats to Kris and Megan on the birth of their son Jackson, he was born on February 14th.

I want to add that on March 6th Linda and I hosted a baby shower for Hillary. I think it went great and she as well as her family had a good time. Now we just can't wait for April 22nd!

On a finishing note, Katelyn decided to try dog food today. I was sweeping the living room when I heard her in the kitchen messing with the dog bowl. She has done this in the past and we've scolded her but she hasn't listened! I found her with a mouthful of food and scared her when I tried to take it all out of her mouth. I was able to get it all and successfully made her cry! I didn't mean to but I freaked out thinking it could be bad for her. Hopefully she doesn't try that again!

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