Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mitch's 4 month appt

Mitch saw the doctor today for his 4 month check up and all went well. He is 15 lbs 15 oz - basically 16 lbs! He is also 26.5 in tall. He is going to be tall like Katelyn but just a little bit heavier! He got two shots today, one in each leg and Brad said he handled it well. We've been given the ok to start cereal as well, what an experience that will be! He will return in 2 months for his 6 month check up.

Other Mitch news, he is rolling over - front to back and back to front now. Every once in awhile he will get stuck and then will get extremely upset, that is until someone picks him up and then he is fine! He has also become very vocal! He is 'talking' all the time!

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