Monday, April 11, 2011

Boy oh Boy!

On Friday we went in for my ultrasound and came out with the biggest smiles! We found out we're expecting a boy! We couldn't be happier. Brad is getting a little farmer and Katelyn is getting a little brother. She doesn't really understand although she does point to my tummy and say baby. And yes, there is only ONE in there!

I got so excited about finding out that yesterday I found a bedding that I loved and ordered it. It was on sale and adorable, once Brad saw it and okay'd it I bought it!!! I cannot wait to see it in person. Once it comes in I will have to take pictures, it is a jungle type theme. I can't wait to buy more things for this baby boy! There isn't a name yet as we can't decide on one together, however it is in the works.

On a side note, this boy will be the first on my mom's side since Zach and one of many boys on my dad's side!

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