Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Major Update 2

Ok, I haven't posted since week 9 of this labor and I am currently at week 14.5. I know, bad me!

I've been extrememly tired and somewhat sick. I haven't gotten physically sick very much but I just felt sick. I could smell everything and anything! I am actually having some cravings this time! I am currently loving ramen noodles and the Arby's turkey, bacon and cheese sandwiches.

The last doctor visit I had was a short and sweet one! The baby's heartbeat was 152 which could mean either boy or girl according to the old wive's tale. I'm measuring right on also. I did find out as well that my blood count was at 190k from my previous blood draw which made me very happy to find out, the doctor told me that at this time with my last pregnancy I was at 32k!

I am wearing maternity tops and looser tops if not maternity. I am doing the rubber band trick with my pants right now as I don't want to wear my maternity ones yet! My stomach is getting bigger!

Brad and I have yet to come up with names that we both like. I'll come up with some and he hates them and vice versa! However we do like one girl name but we haven't decided. We won't tell names until we've decided and/or we know what the sex is.

There have been a few times where I 'thought' I've felt movement but I'm not entirely sure if thats what it was. It is still pretty early but I'm hoping to feel soon! I'm not sure if there's anything else but I will try to keep on top of doing updates.

This was supposed to be week 10.

This was supposed to be week 12.

And this is week 14.5 (today) notice the big difference!!!

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