Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yesterday I made it my mission to put Katelyn's hair in a ponytail and let me say that it wasn't an easy job! However I got it done. She sat down for me but wouldn't keep her head still. Pretty much all of her hair stayed up, except for the bang part obviously. She didn't seem to mind it either, which is great. Later though when we did a diaper change it came out since she layed down on it. I need stronger hair ties as the baby ones we have aren't tight enough. I will now be doing the ponytail, when she lets me!

This was me telling her to smile...nice try!

This was after saying 'cheese'!

The side view.

Another shot.

We had to move up to her size 6 Nike's yesterday also, here is a shot of these totally cute shoes.

Trying on daddy's boots. lol.

This was a self portrait of the two of them. I loved how it turned out. Love them both so much!

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