Monday, November 2, 2009


I found this online and wanted to fill it out.

1. Were you married at the time?

2. What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant? OMG! I can't believe it!

3. How old were you? 25 when we found out

4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I was only a couple days late and decided on a whim to test, which came out positive.

5. Who did you tell first? Brad of course!

6. Did you want to find out the sex? Definitely!

7. Due date? January 14, 2009.

8. Did you deliver early or late? Early, she came January 9th.

9. Did you have morning sickness? Yes, but it wasn't that bad. Only in the morning when I had to brush my teeth.

10. What did you crave? Anything with cheese, especially nachos. And lots of chocolate milk!

11. What irritated you the most? I wasn't fond of people touching my belly.

12. What was your first child’s sex? Girl.

13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? Around 35 pounds.

14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No, and I'm very fortunate.

15. Where did you give birth? Upper Valley Medical

16. How many hours were you in labor? Forever! Actually I think it was more like 12, but I don't remember.

17. Who drove you to the hospital?

18 . Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Yes I did. I took Nubain which I regret because it only made me sleepy, then I got the epidural later.

19 . How much did your child weigh? 7lbs 4oz

20 . What did you name him/her? Katelyn Renae

21 . How old is your first born today? 9 months 3 weeks old!

22. Who does your child look like? I think she looks like Brad.

23. Did you get mad at your husband during labor?
No, he was the best support I could've asked for.

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