Tuesday, October 6, 2009

9 month check-up

Today was Katelyn's 9 month doctor visit. She is doing very well with the exception of a cough and runny nose, we had to get a nasal decongestant. Anyway, she is 29 inches long - still in the 90 to 95% and was 18# 8oz which put her at 50%. She's a good eater and even better sleeper! The doctor said she was doing great. Because she is getting bigger and not to mention longer, I think we may upgrade to a convertible carseat. This way I won't have to lug the other one around, I'm convinced it's what is hurting my shoulders! We've pretty much picked one out, I've done a lot of research! I'm going to go with the Graco brand because what we have now has held up so well. It's called the Graco MyRide 65 Convertible Carseat. When I get the chance I will add a picture of it. Hopefully I will order it in the next few days.

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