Monday, August 10, 2009

7 months + new pics

Katelyn turned 7 months yesterday. She is getting bigger by the minute! She is also on the verge of crawling. She's been rocking for the past two weeks and can't seem to figure out how to move her little legs forward. She can roll all over the place though! I'm also trying to get her to hold her own bottle. She hasn't figured that out also. She'll grab the bottle but won't bring it to her mouth yet. Hopefully she'll learn how to do it soon because that will help me out tons! She can eat in her high chair and I can continue cleaning or doing laundry!

She also was in the pool for the first time. It didn't last long as the water was a tad chilly. But she seemed ok with it. I knew she would, she loves bath time! We'll just have to try again when the water is warmer.

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