Monday, June 22, 2009

New pictures

I've been forgetting my camera to upload pictures so here is another batch from the past 2 weeks. I have 4 slots left to fill in her photo album at home and it'll come from this set, I just have to choose which ones! Then I will start another one.

In her most favorite spot.

This is what she does when shes tired in her swing, bury her head in the side!

New look, new outfit.

New outfit that she doesn't want to share! ....

Or, she must like this pose! (Another new outfit.)

I got this shot right as she stuck her tongue out!

Nap time with mommy.

Playing around.

This is how we found her Saturday cute!

Nap time after a feeding.

On a side note, Katelyn has been wearing her 6 month clothes among her 3-6 month outfits. Soon I will be putting away all of her 3-6 and she will be wearing all 6 month. My baby is growing like a weed!

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