Thursday, June 25, 2009

Good news for me!

Yesterday I had a doctor appointment to get my blood checked. Well to my surprise my platelet count came out to be 193 k. My white and red blood count were good as was my hemoglobin. Dr. Dole was happy as was I. He also told me to come back in 6 months and if it were still high and in the normal range that I would be considered in long term remission and wouldn't need to be checked any more. Yay! So good, no GREAT news for me!

Monday, June 22, 2009

New pictures

I've been forgetting my camera to upload pictures so here is another batch from the past 2 weeks. I have 4 slots left to fill in her photo album at home and it'll come from this set, I just have to choose which ones! Then I will start another one.

In her most favorite spot.

This is what she does when shes tired in her swing, bury her head in the side!

New look, new outfit.

New outfit that she doesn't want to share! ....

Or, she must like this pose! (Another new outfit.)

I got this shot right as she stuck her tongue out!

Nap time with mommy.

Playing around.

This is how we found her Saturday cute!

Nap time after a feeding.

On a side note, Katelyn has been wearing her 6 month clothes among her 3-6 month outfits. Soon I will be putting away all of her 3-6 and she will be wearing all 6 month. My baby is growing like a weed!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to both of our dad's and also to Brad! We were able to spend the day together and had a good time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

5 month pictures

As promised here are her official 5 month pictures. After her first initial shots I layed her down for a different shot and she decided to try and eat the paper!

Here are some more pictures from that same day and also the previous night...

Representing our favorite team!

With Grandma Brown

new outfit

napping with daddy, one of my favorite shots ever

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 months

Katelyn is 5 months today! I didn't want to wake her up this morning to get a picture so I'll have to do it tonight. But she is starting to roll more often but hasn't caught on enough to be able to do it all the time. When she gets stuck on her stomach and can't figure out how to get back to her back she will get frustrated and cry. She smiles constantly and is laughing more now too. She, to me, is getting heavier! I'll be glad when I don't have to cart the car seat around anymore!!! Soon I hope to introduce veggies into her feedings. She's going to start cereal with Cathy today and I will try to do it at home too so that she'll get 2 feedings of cereal a day. I'm hoping I can find the time to get another in! I'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow.

Monday, June 8, 2009


On Sunday we took Katelyn to her first Strawberry Festival. I didn't take any pictures while there but I did take some after wards at home. She wore a strawberry outfit for the occasion. We had a long and fun weekend. Although it wasn't long enough!!!

I'm tired mommy!

And hungry!!!


Staring at myself in the mirror...head resting against the flowers.

HI :)

I'm gonna get the giraffe!


Saturday was Jon and Rachel's wedding and I was sure to take a lot of pictures! It was a beautiful wedding and beautiful day!

In my new shades!

With Aunt Hillary

Trying to get daddy's tie

daddy and me

reaching for the camera

napping with Uncle Kevin

mommy and me

the family

with Marsha

with Sydney

A few weeks worth of pictures...

My new shades

Mommy and me


new outfit

Lacey saying hi

relaxing again
hi mom!

always full of smiles

nap time!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ALERT! We have a roller!

Last night I was sitting on the couch and had Katelyn laying beside me. I like to play with her that way and get direct eye contact with her. Well she sometimes will roll onto her stomach and I'll leave her that way until she starts to get mad and cry. This time however, she rolled back onto her back all by herself for the first time! I was so excited. Brad had just walked into the kitchen and missed it but I was able to yell at him her accomplishment!!! Now I have to keep a close eye on her whenever I have her on the couch so she won't fall off...maybe I won't put her on there anymore and will opt for her carpeted bedroom floor.