Katelyn and an orangutang
The polar bear Katelyn wanted to see so badly!
Posing on the manatee statue.
In the aquarium we saw lots of fish, a turtle and some manatees.
Mitchell had fun at the zoo as well!
10 months old!!!
Not a fan of the cold water!
Katelyn with her new pool and water toys.
Katelyn had so much fun getting Lacey all wet.
Having fun at Lincoln's first birthday party.
Playing with Lincoln and his new water table.
Yes, daddy did do my hair today.
Happy fourth from Katelyn and Mitchell!
We've been quite busy around here and like most of you dealing with hot weather! So awhile back I bought a small pool for our back yard after a birthday party for Lincoln that had a pool in which Katelyn had a blast. Hopefully this will get her ready for some beach time! She seems to like any pool that she can stand up in and not worry about it being to deep. Mitch on the other hand wasn't so fond of it when Brad dipped his toes in!
Mitchell turned 10 months and in the process got two more teeth. His top ones showed up together and made everyone miserable. He was non-stop crying and unhappy. After they came in he was a totally different baby! He is currently crawling all over the house learning what is in each room. He follows us everywhere! He likes to 'talk' to us all as well. He hasn't showed an interest in table food no matter what I put in front of him. He does seem to like diluted pear juice. The only problem is that he doesn't want to hold his bottle or sippy cup - we still have to do it for him. I will be very happy when he learns to do it! He can stand holding onto the couch when we put him there but typically it only lasts a few seconds.
This past weekend we went to the zoo and my mom came along as Brad was unfortunatley sick. Katelyn loved it and had so much fun. She called the shots on where to go and so we saw the aqaurium first. We got to see pretty much most of the animals despite the hot weather. Katelyn loved the monkeys and the polar bear. When we got to the gift shop she could pick out one thing to take home and out of everything in there she picked an animal book. She loves her books! I picked out for Mitch a small fuzzy and soft monkey.
And last but not least, have a Happy 4th of July! I bought sparklers and hopefully Katelyn won't be too scared to try them tonight!