If you haven't noticed, Mitchell's current signature look for the camera is to stick his tongue out! He's cureently teething and always has his tongue out. He has his two bottom teeth right now and I'm waiting to see when others will start to make their appearance. He is also getting up on all fours and rocking, but isn't making any other movements towards crawling. I keep putting toys in front of him but he will just lay back on his stomach and roll until he gets it. He is however sitting on his own now. He does though have to work a little more on his balance, if he sees a toy and trys to lean for it he will almost always fall over. You can tell he is trying to maintain balance, he does try to catch himself. He's getting so big - and so heavy! I cannot wait until he can sit in a booster and I don't have to lug that carseat around. I remember feeling the same way with Katelyn. Unfortunately I have to wait a little longer. I feel like I am constantly buying clothes too because he is growing so quickly. Right now we are in the 6-9 month range and had to buy some shorts and short sleeve tops because of the current hot weather. Thank goodness for Walmart! For some reason Carter's doesn't do a 6-9 month set, it just goes from 6 straight to 9 and some of their 9 month stuff is still a little big. So I've been buying both and saving the 9 month stuff for when he can wear them and not worry they will fall off or be to big!
Speaking of gettin big Katelyn is getting taller and taller. Half of her pants are high waters now! I am considering though, since it is getting hot, about cutting those shorter pants into shorts. I'm not very handy so I don't know how well that would work for me. She is loving the fact that currently she can wear t-shirts, shorts and her sandals. In every way possible though she is testing the waters. She is learning what she can do and what she is not allowed to do. For instance when we put her to bed at night, which is 8, she will get up time and time again to a. go potty or b. give more hugs and kisses. She knows she has to stay in bed but defies us. Eventually she will fall asleep but we have to put her back 5-6 more times. Its frustrating at times and funny at other times. She is great though when we need to clean up the living room - which doubles as her toy box - and I ask her to pick up her toys she will gladly help. She still has her blankie and duckie and they are always with her during the night and she will leave them home during trips if she wants to do that. She likes to pick out her own outfits and will help pick out Mitchell's. She also likes to pick out Mitchell's food for dinner, she is so funny. She is learning more and more each day. She knows more numbers but we are still working on the alphabet as she will always skip letters or get them out of order. She knows her age and her name when asked. And she's very clever too. She always asks to play with my phone and will add 'but I will be very careful with it mommy, please?!'. Clever.
Not much else is happening, just that time seems to be moving to fast and my babies are getting bigger by the minute. I find that I am looking forward to our much needed vacation in July when we go to Gatlinburg. I cannot wait for a break from work!