Friday, March 27, 2009

11 weeks

Katelyn is 11 weeks today.

11 weeks ago I was in the most pain I'd ever been. 11 weeks ago we were so happy. 11 weeks ago our lives changed forever. We are so in love, to each other, to our daughter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Katelyn is 10 weeks!

Katelyn was 10 weeks on Friday but I didn't take pictures of her that day but I made up for it over the weekend! We bought her a bumbo and she looks so cute in it! She is able to hold herself up fine to sit in it, she has such a strong neck! I put her in her first pair of jeans too. They were a little big on her but I couldn't resist it! She was so friggin cute in them!!! She is getting so big!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy and fun St. Patrick's Day. We're wearing our green, are you?! Also, Happy Birthday Laura!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

bath time!

Last night we gave Katelyn a bath and I had the camera with me! I forgot to take pictures while actually bathing her but took them after we took her out of her tub. She loves bath time! I dressed her in one of her new outfits, this one is from Old Navy. She also has on her white booties that Great Aunt Margaret made for her. They are able to stay on through her kicking and thrashing! Which is great because her regular socks come off so easily. After her bath I put her down but that didn't last long and I had to hold her to put her to sleep, which happened pretty quickly and then she slept well through the rest of the night. It was a good night! :)

I forgot to mention that Katelyn is now in the size 1 diapers, which I've been saying are her big girl diapers. The newborn size was starting to be too small and now that she's graduated to size 1 they are a tad big on her but are doing the job. They still keep in all the icky smelly stuff! lol.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

9 weeks

Yesterday Katelyn was 9 weeks old. So to celebrate my mom, sister, Katelyn and I went shopping at the Dayton mall. You may not believe it but I actually had to buy Katelyn clothes. Since she is out growing all of her newborn clothes we've started putting her in her 0-3 outfits. She didn't have to many outfits in that size so I had to get her some more. I bought her some really cute outfits. I also found the most adorable dress that she will be able to wear to one of the many weddings we will be attending this year. I got some great deals on all of her stuff too. We had a really good time and Katelyn did so well. Except for the fact that she was really gassy and leaving her smell all over the mall!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great Grandma & Grandpa Fuge

Katelyn got to spend some time with Great Grandma and Grandpa Fuge last night. They were finally healthy enough to come see her! I was glad, glad that she got to see them and glad that they were no longer sick. She gave them a lot to smile about also. She was a little gassy to which Grandma said she was definitely from the Fuge side! She smiled for them and was 'talkative'. Grandma was able to get a lot of pictures, Katelyn was wide eyed and willing to look straight at the camera! Here are a few shots that I got...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

new toy and dr. update

Katelyn's 2 month checkup was yesterday and she's growing! She is 11 pounds and 23 1/4 inches long now. She's definitely outgrowing her newborn outfits and its funny because some of her 0-3 month clothes are too big and she swims in them! She also had 3 different shots and its obvious that she didn't like them! As she was laying on the bed I was letting her grab my hands so she wouldn't squirm to much. Then the nurse administered the shots, Katelyn's eyes got wide and then the screaming began. She was in pain, it was hard to watch. It took awhile for me to get her to calm down. But she was eventually ok. The dr. said she was looking good and all was well. I have to take her in at 4 months for another round of shots...not looking forward to that one!

I had ordered a floor playmat for Katelyn since we didn't have anything that made much noise and that she could kick at. She loves it! So I'll call it her present for turning 2 months!

Here are two pictures that I took of Katelyn in her swing. One is around 2 weeks old and the second is from last week. Notice the difference in her size?!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 months old

So yesterday Katelyn was 2 months old. I was too busy to take any new pictures so I will try to do that tonight. She has her 2 month check up later today and will receive some shots, although I can't remember what they are at the moment. I'm hoping she will take it well because I don't want to see her cry!

She's been getting stronger, she can hold her head up longer and is following us around the room. She recently has been using her arms a lot more, bringing her hands up to her face to put them in her mouth. Up until last night she's been sleeping through the night. She ate early and subsequently got up early. She hates tummy time but seems to be taking it longer before she starts bawling! She absolutely loves her swing and is a guaranteed nap when she's tired, I don't know what I'll do when she grows out of it!!!

I'll update later on how her doctor appointment went. Lets hope for a good check up!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

how twins are made...

I thought this was to cute! I had to share.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The images of a mom

4 years of age : My Mommy can do anything!
8 years of age : My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 years of age : My Mom doesn't really know quite everything.
14 years of age : Naturally, Mom doesn't know that, either!
16 years of age : Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 years of age : That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 years of age : Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 years of age : Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 years of age : Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 years of age : Wish I could talk it over with Mom.


I done some redecorating! I hope everyone likes the new design! :)
On a side note, comments are now available to everyone. Apparently only members could leave comments and I've changed that so everyone could leave a comment if they wished to do so.

A few pictures...

Yesterday I took a few shots of Katelyn. Basically the up close ones are of her laying on daddy's stomach facing towards me. The top one is the start of a smile that I just happened to get. The last one is Brad showing Lacey the baby and to 'be nice'! She's such a cutie pie!


She's recently been sleeping through the night. I can't say how nice that is!! She will eat late, somewhere between 10-12 pm and then be able to sleep until 5 which is when we get up. We hope this lasts!